Wednesday, April 7, 2010

These Are A Few of My Favorite Things...

I know what you're thinking..."The Sound of Music" all-time favorite movie, and one of my all-time favorite songs:
"Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes
Silver white winters that melt into springs
These are a few of my favorite things..."

So, just for fun, here are some of my favorite things:

My beautiful bouquet of tiny pink tulips from Martin. The carefully curled petals are so delicate and their flowery perfume ever so gently reminds me of spring.

I absolutely adore the color of them, they are so light pink that they almost fade to white in spots. Tulips are so elegant, and these are tiny tulips that are so perfect they almost look fake. I love tulips. I just wish they lasted longer, like forever. Their beauty, however shortlived, is entirely worth it though.

Crisp, ice cold diet coke with lime, fresh lime.

Sherbet makes any day better...and come on...Wildberry?....yes please! Fruity, smooth, cold goodness.

With chocolate sprinkles, of course. There's no other way.

Lemons...bright, fresh, tart...delicious. A reminder of summer.

And my new candle...that smells so good I find myself stopping to look around, then realize it is this lovely little candle that is tart and sweet and citrusy all at the same time. It should be called "Happiness".

Sometimes we have to just stop and take in our surroundings. Take pleasure in the little things around us...the things that bring smiles to our lips and happy tears to our eyes. The things that we may so easily overlook if we don't take that extra moment. It is often the simplest of things that can make a day that much more special...but what makes the day truly special is taking that moment to breathe. And enjoy the simple things. To enjoy life.

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